* Who's Who in Genoa City: Chloe Mitchell | The Young and the Restless on Soap Central
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Chloe Mitchell
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Actor History
Darla and Sandra Greer
1990 to 1991
Danielle Ryah
February 6, 2008 to March 2014, contract; March 2014 to May 27, 2014, recurring; October 14, 2014, guest; October 09, 2015 to October 28, 2015, guest; July 14, 2016 to March 2017, contract; March 2017 to July 18, 2017, recurring; Jun 26, 2019 to Present, recurring
Other Names

Birth name Kate Tina Valentine

Legally changed name to Chloe Mitchell

Helen Jones (new identity in Portland)


Born July 30, 1990

Returned renamed Chloe Mitchell in 2008, about 23 years old

Declared dead by suicide May 31, 2017; faked


Former partner (with Chelsea) in Bella Milconno a Fenmore's clothing line

Former co-Head of Fashion at Newman Media with Chelsea

Former designer for Chelsea’s Bella Milconno clothing line

Formerly held marketing position at the Grand Phoenix Hotel

Former designer at Chelsea 2.0

Former conspirator with Victor Newman

Former collaborator for Jabot Face of Fashion

Co-creator of and former partner in TagNGrab website

Former commentator on the Restless Style TV talk show

Former fashion editor for Restless Style magazine/webzine

Former wedding planner

Former fashion editor for Restless Style magazine/webzine

Former fashion consultant for Jabot Cosmetics

Former professional model handler in New York City

Attended boarding school throughout her childhood


A house with Kevin and their children, and mother in law Gloria

Marital Status

In a committed relationship with Kevin Fisher

Past Marriages

Cane Ashby [Married: Aug 25, 2008; annulled: Mar 25, 2009]

Billy Abbott [Married: Apr 3, 2009; divorced: Nov 9, 2009]

Kevin Fisher [Married: Mar 27, 2012; divorced early 2014; Remarried: Mar 12, 2014; divorced summer 2014]; Ran away from wedding April 2017


Esther Valentine (mother)

“Tiny the Plumber” (father)

Katherine Chancellor (deceased godmother)


Cordelia Katherine Valentine Abbott (daughter with Billy; born Feb 14, 2009, deceased Oct 14, 2013)

Conner Adam Newman (godson)

Bella Mitchell Fisher (daughter with Kevin, born 2015)

Miles Mitchell (son with Kevin, born Oct 4, 2020)


A funny-looking dog named Bobby (went to live with trainer when they moved to the Chancellor estate)

Flings & Affairs

Billy Abbott (lovers)

Phillip "Chance" Chancellor IV (engagement broken)

Ronan Malloy (lovers)

Kevin Fisher (lovers) (first engagement broken)(lovers 2017-2020)

Crimes Committed

Apparently raped Cane Ashby, or made it appear that she had, when he was drunk to claim her pregnancy was by him

Jailed with Kevin when he was arrested for bookmaking; released for insufficient evidence

Arrested for conspiracy to commit burglary and misdemeanor theft of Jana's apartment; as the property owner, Billy dropped the charges

Under suspicion of murder of Jana Hawkes Fisher; case closed when Jana's autopsy results proved she was not murdered

Gained custody of half million dollars in stolen drug money by stealing it from the thief [2013]

Theft of a box of donations from Katherine Chancellor [2013]

Knowledge of theft of a bracelet from a house by Kevin [2013]

Arrested for possession of stolen property, released after Kevin confessed [2013]

Kidnapped Conner Newman, and took him Paris; cut a deal for outpatient therapy under Kevin's legal responsibility [2014]

Ran down Adam Newman with a car [2015]

Conspired with Victor Newman tampering with evidence [Jul 2016]

Murdered Adam Newman [Sep 2016]; did not die

Faked her death [2016]

Shot Adam Newman [May 2019]

Posed as a federal agent [Oct 2019]

Unknowingly aided Chelsea in framing Adam for attempted murder of Rey. [2020]

Health and Vitals

Nearly died from blood loss and septicemia after the birth of her daughter Cordelia

Brief Character History

Lily Winters won the Fresh Face of Jabot contest, and began learning to model. But hard as they tried to remain just friends, Lily and Cane Ashby ended up consummating their relationship on Valentine's Day. Lily got busy into her modeling career under the tutelage of professional model handler Chloe, working long hours on her cover shot for the launch issue of Restless Style magazine/webzine, flunking out of college, not eating due to pressure from Chloe about her figure, only to discover she was pregnant. After much indecision, Lily told Cane and her father. Then after going to her mother's old ballet studio to feel close to her mother, Lily decided to have the baby. Later Cane staged a lovely marriage proposal at the same studio, but Lily was hesitant to say yes, afraid he wanted to marry her for all the wrong reasons. But when Cane & Lily went for the first ultrasound, it was discovered that there was no more baby. It had dissolved on its own due to imperfection. Cane and Lily were devastated, and Lily's father's girlfriend Karen was great consoling Lily, and Cane's grandmother Kay & mother Jill consoled him. Not long afterward came another blow for poor Lily - due to the intervention of a consultant, Lily was dropped from the Restless Style magazine/webzine cover in favor a more well-known model.

Chloe needed a place to live, so moved in with Devon and Lily. Then overcrowded with Chloe and her unusual collection of stuff, plus worried about Lily's emotional state, Cane asked Lily to move in with him, but Lily turned him down. After a bit of soul-searching, Lily decided to go back to college and began modeling only as a part time job. After Lily found out that Chloe had made a pass at Cane and Devon on separate occasions while drunk, she tossed Chloe out. Cane helped Chloe find a place to live just to get rid of her. Then one night after discovering she was pregnant, Chloe setup Cane to get drunk, then offered him a ride home. When Cane passed out in her car, she made it look as though they had had sex when Cane awoke.

The yearly Charity Gala, organized in 2008 by Sabrina and Victoria under the watchful eye of Kay Chancellor, was in full swing with all the Genoa City regulars attending in cocktail party attire. Devon and Ana entertained singing with a chorus. Chloe chose the occasion to announce her pregnancy by Cane just as Cane was proposing to Lily. Lily insisted on a prenatal paternity test, and when it came back not ruling out Cane as the father, she gave Cane back his ring and told him he should marry the mother of his child instead. Cane gave Chloe the ring and moved her into the back room of his house, claiming to be doing it for the child. Chloe began flaunting the ring and her pregnancy with a Chancellor heir all around Genoa City. Cane and Chloe were married by a Justice of the Peace. His mother Jill and Grandmother Kay decided to make the best of it since Cane had just been named CEO of Jabot and renamed their engagement party to a wedding reception. Chloe played sick to not attend, but Cane discovered her lie. But when Chloe showed up with Cane, Esther was shocked to find that Chloe was actually her daughter Kate! Even Kay was amazed, remembering Kate as a blonde, 30 pounds overweight, with glasses.

Chloe told Cane that her father rejected her mother before she was born. She had this worn dirty stuffed giraffe named Elmer she carried around until her mother changed out her room when she became a teen throwing out everything she loved, replacing it with a white bear. She told how she was stuck in boarding school and was ashamed of her mother being a maid. She had legally changed her name before her arrival in Genoa City. Cane was mostly tolerating Chloe and still pining for Lily. Chloe told Esther she would never get over her resentment for being shipped off to boarding school all her life, but Esther said she did it for her own good, so she wouldn't end up like her. Chloe told her that a guy who was selfish, arrogant, and unfaithful broke her heart (obviously Billy) and she would never love anyone else again, including Cane. From flashbacks it was obvious that Billy was the father of Chloe’s baby and that she set up their first meeting in New York City. They had an affair, she got into his email, discovered that he cheated on her breaking her heart, then she stalked him. Yet Billy was still her occasional “booty call” up until she discovered she was pregnant.

Billy reunited with his mother Jill and finally met her other son, his half-brother Cane. Billy's other half-brother Jack convinced him to move back to Genoa City and help him get Jabot back into the Abbott family, and get back at Cane for usurping his life, by going to work at Jabot again. Cane invited Billy and "his girlfriend" over for drinks to get to know him and his wife Chloe, unaware that his ex-wife Amber was Billy's girlfriend, and that Chloe had a past with Billy. Billy confronted Chloe the next day accusing her of just wanting to bag a Chancellor. Billy tried to convince Cane that he didn't mind that Cane took over Jabot, and Cane talked Billy into taking the Director of Marketing position, with emphasis on the new teen line Starblaze.

Cane was devastated that his grandmother Katherine Chancellor had been killed in a car accident. (Kay was not really dead, it was her doppelganger, Marge who Kay had been driving to rehab.) The will was read, and grandchildren Cane, Billy, McKenzie, and Phillip received one-quarter of one percent in trust. Chloe announced that her baby was going to be a girl and her middle name would be Katherine.

Cane and Chloe began getting along well in anticipation of their baby. But one day Lily came by, and during an argument with Chloe, Chloe fell from a ladder and had to be taken to the hospital. Her baby was OK, but she was confined to bed-rest with rare occasions on her feet. During her hospitalization, Billy got a nurse to admit the due date was incorrect, and realized that he was the father, but said nothing to Chloe.

Billy found out that Lily Winters was trying computer dating, so he became a guy online who called himself Sonny Crawford, whom Lily became quite enamored with. They finally met, and Lily was shocked, then thrilled that Sonny was Billy. After some time they were getting serious so they went up to the Abbott cabin at Twin Lakes to be alone. But Billy felt he had to confess to Lily about Chloe's baby before going any further. Lily was shocked and accused Billy of plotting with Chloe to break up her and Cane. About that time Chloe walked in the door of the cabin, and before she could join the conversation, went into labor. Unable to drive out due to a storm, Billy had to turn and deliver his daughter while being talked through it by Olivia on Lily's cell phone. Then Cane showed up after walking in past the road blocks, intending to tell Lily he loved and wanted her no matter what. The baby was fine, but Chloe was hemorrhaging and passing out, so they constructed a litter and carried her and the baby down to the waiting ambulance. Later in the hospital, Cane started asking questions about why they were at the cabin, and Lily threatened Billy that he'd better step up, tell Cane and claim his daughter. Billy went off to get drunk in a bar while Chloe almost died from blood loss and septicemia. Billy's brother Jack gave him good advice to fess up, confiscated his car keys, and left. Then Sharon showed up, also drunk, so the two of them hooked up and spent the night together in her room at the athletic club. The next day, Chloe confessed to Cane that her baby was not his, and Billy walked in to verify that he was the reluctant father. Cane exploded at them, including Lily for not telling him after she found out the night before. Cane shouted at them all, that the baby was his and he was not going to give her up. Later Cane signed the birth certificate naming himself the father and the baby Cordelia Katherine Valentine Ashby.

Roger surprised Esther with a Justice of the Peace and impromptu wedding in Chloe's hospital room. The next day Chloe admitted to Esther that the baby was not Cane's. Then when Billy showed up, Esther realized he was Cordelia's father. Unknown to them, Cane contacted Michael to get custody of Cordelia, and Billy contacted Rafe to see what his rights were too. Since Cane was divorcing Chloe and they had nowhere to go, Esther brought Chloe and her granddaughter home to the estate, and Jill offered them space in her wing so she could be closer to her granddaughter. After slugging Billy when he showed up at the estate to see Cordelia, Cane explained the situation to Neil, then asked Lily how she would feel about marrying him and raising Cordelia together. Meanwhile Billy, who was supposed to be the doting father living with Chloe and Cordelia, was having an affair with his brother Jack's not-yet-divorced-wife Sharon. After Chloe realized he was with another woman when she needed him, she moved back into the Chancellor estate with her mother. Phyllis caught Sharon and Billy together and threatened to tell Jack and Nick about their affair. Sharon broke down, phoned Billy, and called things off. Jack arrived and she fell into his arms, ashamed and troubled. Jack asked her to come back to him, and would forgive her anything. Sharon asked him to just keep her safe from the rest of the world, and Jack promised he would. They made love and Sharon moved back in with Jack. Meanwhile, Billy showed up with flowers for Chloe and smooth-talked her into giving him another chance. Once Cane was free of Chloe by annulment, he asked Lily to marry him, but she refused saying she could not raise Chloe's child because she believed Cordelia belonged with Chloe.

After spending the night before with Sharon, Billy married Chloe to be able to fight Cane for custody of Cordelia. Jack was best man, and having no available friends, Chloe asked Sharon to stand up for her. Sharon accepted, but couldn't look Billy in the eye and do it, so Colleen took her place. Just as the ceremony ended, because Brock let her know that Katherine was alive, Mac showed up at the Chancellor mansion. Meanwhile in the next room, the results of Brock's blood test proved that he was Kay's son, and that Jill was not Katherine's daughter after all, which meant that Billy and Mac were not related either. Their reactions to the news made it quite obvious that both have never gotten over each other. Chloe concerned for her marriage now that Mac was staying on in Genoa City to help Kay get back into her old life. Just prior to the hearing, Cane dropped the custody suit so Cordelia would never grow up without a mother like he did.

Eighty year old Katherine married Patrick “Murph” Murphy in the Chancellor garden in a service officiated by her son Brock. Nina showed up in time to catch Jill arriving drunk, and locked her in a closet before she could make a scene. Lauren arrived soon after, and let Jill out, but Cane made her sit down and shut up during the ceremony. But afterward Billy and Cane had to drag Jill out while she raved at Kay. Later, Mac resisted Billy’s advances, and when he grabbed and kissed her, she slapped him. Chloe saw it, kissed his smarting cheek, and took him home.

Billy was upset when Cane bought his favorite escape, Jimmy’s Bar, but was elated when he hired Mac as a waitress, and began spending even more time there, avoiding Chloe. Billy keeps lamenting about their missed opportunity for happiness, and Mac keeps reminding him they have both moved on.

On Memorial Day 2009, Kay and Murphy threw a bar-b-q around the Chancellor pool with Esther, Billy, Chloe & Delia, Mac, Amber, Nina, and Jack in attendance. Later Sharon, Neil & Tyra, Kevin & Jana arrived. Raul Guittierez surprised everyone when he walked in. After reuniting with Billy and being introduced to Kay's new husband Murphy, Billy's new wife Chloe and their baby, Mac walked in and they embraced and passionately kissed. Mac had earlier revealed that there was someone she worked with in Darfur, Africa, and their year long relationship was "serious, but didn't work out" - and it turned out to be Raul. After Billy reluctantly gave them his blessing, Raul asked Mac to marry him and return to Washington DC with him. Billy and Chloe went home, and Billy was obviously distraught and they fought, and later separated.

But the more time Mac spent with Billy, the more she doubted her future with Raul. Chloe saw this coming and got Raul to return from DC, but it was only for Mac to tell him she was sorry, but the engagement was off. Billy and Mac were about to make love when Chloe interrupted with the news that the paternity test on Sharon's baby was about to come back. Mac did not take the news well that Billy might be the father of his brother's wife’s child, and left. But Mac realized this happened when they were not together, and after seeing Billy talking to God about saving Summer for him despite all his sins, she decided he was still the man she loved.

Sharon got the paternity test results back and was ecstatic that she and Nick are expecting the daughter Faith that Cassie predicted on her death bed and in Nick's dream. But after seeing Nick so distraught over his daughter Summer being in a coma, she realized that he needed to be there for Summer and Phyllis, and not run off with her like he did over Cassie, so she told everyone her baby was Jack's.

Billy and Mac faked being mad at each other at Kay’s 4th of July party, both made excuses and met at the Athletic Club to finally made love after all those years apart, but were interrupted by a phone call that Kay had another mini-stroke and was rushed to the hospital by ambulance.

Phillip Chancellor IV returned from the Army in Iraq, and Chloe and "Chance" began getting to know each other, and Chance admitted that he had been discharged from the Army, lonesome for his mother and grandmother, intended to stay, and was still a virgin. Some time later Chance admitted that he was falling for Chloe, but Nina disapproved, calling her a gold-digger only wanting a Chancellor, to which Chance countered that she reminded him of Nina! After Mac admitted to Chloe that she and Billy were now together, Chloe got a divorce started, and Chance felt free to date Chloe. But when they met to sign the divorce papers, Billy started remembering the good times in the past, and backed out making excuses. So Chloe decided to use Chance to make Billy jealous and stay with her and Delia. Billy went back and signed the next day, but Chloe never did and they remained legally married though separated.

One day Chance happened to be in Crimson Lights when a guy tried to rob it by pulling a knife on Gloria. Chance interceded and was stabbed in the stomach. Nina and Phillip rushed to the hospital and met Jill and Chloe. As Chance went in to surgery with a ruptured spleen, Phillip was distraught with regret for leaving him as a baby, afraid that Chance would die without them reconciling. After his surgery, Chloe realized how much she really cared and told him she signed the divorce papers, and he was the man she wanted. Phillip had disappeared and all were concerned that he had run away again, but Paul was there for Nina, and tried to explain from his experience with Heather how out of place was feeling. Phillip bought Chance a copy of Huckleberry Finn, the book he used to read to him when Chance was a child. Chance read Phillip's heartfelt inscription, and asked why it was not signed. Phillip had been unsure how to sign it, but Chance said that "Dad" was fine. Phillip had to return to Australia to take care of his bar and some problems left behind by Cane and the cattle rustlers, but promised to return.

Billy went to jail when he refused to name his source for a story, then fired Chloe when she told the authorities who it was, which she only did to get him out of jail for Christmas. Meanwhile Billy's life was spiraling downward again into drunkenness as he watched Chance take his place with Chloe and his daughter Delia after losing the love of his life, Mac. Then an end-of-2009 visit from his dead father John, showing him what the future would be like with Billy dead if he kept this up, began to turn Billy around.

Chance arranged to meet a suspect named Riggs who had information for him on the case he was working on, but ended up being found unconscious with drugs in his possession by fellow police officers. Obviously set up, Chance was cleared of charges, then was shot at while on a date with Chloe. Chloe wanted him to go to his superiors about it, but Chance was afraid there was something underhanded going on within the department and didn’t know who he could trust. Riggs since was found dead, his body floating in the river, so Chance confided in his boss Sid who told him to drop it - and then he and Chloe were nearly run down by a car.

During a romantic moment, Chloe finally admitted to Chance that she was in loved with him. She tried to take him upstairs to make love, but although Chance admitted he loved her, he wanted their first time to be memorable. Chance arranged a surprise trip to New York City, but they got stuck in traffic and missed all her favorite things he had planned. At the end of the disappointing evening, Chance proposed, but Chloe said no. They returned to Genoa City with Chance still a virgin. But during the annual charity ball they came to an understanding, and went home to make love in Chance’s room with candles to set the mood. Unfortunately the next morning Nina returned from LA and walked in on them coming out of the shower together in only towels. After Chase left for work, Nina confronted Chloe about trapping her son. Chloe told her not to worry, she had turned down his marriage proposal – which made Nina worry all the more.

Chance began working closely with District Attorney Owen Pomerantz, spending long hours on the Adam Newman murder and the Patty Williams cases. Chloe would bring him a picnic basket of food, and try to get him to relax and enjoy himself now and then. They and her daughter Delia had a close, loving relationship – something completely new to Chloe.

Rafe invited his friends to a party at Jimmie’s Bar to celebrate the opening of his private law practice. On his arm was his new boyfriend, Tyler. Heather came alone and hit on Chance, causing Chloe to get jealous. Chloe called her on it, and Chance broke up the fight. Chloe explained that she never had a boyfriend who didn’t cheat on her before, so it was hard for her to trust. On his way to prison, Frank Ellis offered to give Chance and Heather information about the Brett Riggs case and dirty cops in exchange for favors. Then later as she left, Heather found herself locked in her car with a bomb about to explode. Meanwhile, realizing she might lose him, and seeing the perfect couple Kevin and Jana splitting up, Chloe decided to accept Chance’s marriage proposal. Before he could respond, Chance had to rescue Heather. The bomb squad deactivated the device and reported the incident to D.A. Pomerantz, telling him it all traced back to the Riggs case. Chance got a new partner, Detective Ronan Malloy, a former eight year Los Angeles County Deputy Sherriff. But after running into his boss Sid as they and Heather went to Elkins to seal the deal, Elkins refused, saying he already had a deal for a country club prison. Ronan got tough with Elkins trying to strong arm him, but Chance stopped him.

A small party was held at the Chancellor estate for Chance and Chloe to announce their engagement. Police detective Chance’s new partner, Ronan Malloy, arrived at the party with Christine Blair and became friendly with Chloe who was very suspicious of him. Nina was appalled and told everyone what she thought of Chloe, so Paul had to take her outside and calm her down. After witnessing how Heather looked at Chance, and how much Nina obviously preferred her for her son, Chloe arranged to live in Kevin’s spare room to be in the same building in which Heather was living, with Chance staying there nights as her bodyguard. Chance was not pleased, accused her of just being jealous, and tried to convince her to trust him. After a disappointing turn in their case, Heather and Chance commiserated and ended up making love. Afterward Heather called Pomerantz about her suspicion that Ronan was a dirty cop, and later they found the bug that Ronan had planted in their apartment. Chance admitted his infidelity with Heather to Chloe, and she eventually returned Chance’s ring and the engagement was officially broken. Chance tried to arrest Ronan for illegal surveillance, but their boss Sid Meeks intervened and took Chance off the case and replaced him with Ronan as Heather’s bodyguard. Meeks, was seen talking with D.A. Owen Pomerantz, and they appeared to be the leaders of the drug ring. Later Chance was again arrested for drug possession when he tried to get fellow-officers to turn on Ronan. Ronan admitted to Heather that he planted the drugs to get Chance out of the picture for his own protection, then he got her fired.

Christine Blair told Ronan, who was actually working undercover with her for the Justice Department, that Nina and Paul were searching for Nina’s first son who was stolen at birth, afraid that they might discover that Ronan was that son. Chris was unable to disclose Ronan’s identity to anyone or jeopardize the case. Chloe figured out that he was Nina’s son by his birth date, and confronted Ronan with his real name, Aiden Lansing. Ronan admitted he was working undercover and shared with Chloe that he was raised by two parents, the Lansings, who sacrificed everything for him. Chloe hoped to get Ronan to warm up to Nina and Chance after the case was closed. But Ronan was reluctant, saying that working undercover, he enjoyed getting into another persona which appealed to the part of him that felt like something was missing, but he could never have a personal life – there was just too much risk. Chloe and Ronan eventually had sex together, but afterward Ronan said it could never happen again.

Meanwhile, Paul tracked down Pete Bender, (the man who drove the van and kidnapped Nina & Chris when they were teenagers), to the prison hospital in Waupun. Bender gave Paul the name of the family who bought Nina’s baby, and Paul found the information he gave an to ecstatic Nina - that her son had been named Aiden Lansing, grew up in South Lakeland, went to Lakeside High, was an honor student, senior class vice president, a football star, went to college in California, and that his parents, the Lansings, were dead.

Ronan convinced Sid Meeks he was on their side which got him a meeting with the ring leader, who turned out to be D.A. Owen Pomerantz. Pomerantz told Ronan they would not trust him unless he killed Chance, and Ronan agreed to do it. Meanwhile Chance confronted Chloe about trusting Ronan enough to sleep with him, and Chloe had to tell him that he and Ronan were brothers. At the same moment, Paul and Nina got their first look at an aged sketch of what her son would look like grown up which was made from a newspaper photo of Aiden and his grade school football team.

Ronan told Pomerantz that he had set up a meeting with Chance in order to kill him. Later Chance confronted Ronan about their being brothers, and off-screen made plans to trap Pomerantz and Meeks. Just in case things did not go as planned, Chance made sure to spend quality time with his loved ones. Chloe realized what he was doing and begged Chance not to go through with the meeting. Chance left to make amends with Heather. She admitted that she loved him, and he refused her offer to call her father, Paul, to back him up.

Ronan, armed with the untraceable gun Meeks and Pomerantz had given him, met them with their suitcases of drugs at a warehouse. They checked Ronan for a wire and warned him that if he didn’t kill Chance, they would kill both Chance and Ronan. Chance arrived at the warehouse and drew his gun on Meeks, Pomerantz and another dirty cop, telling him they were headed to Internal Affairs.

At the warehouse, Ronan appeared behind Chance, his gun pointed at his brother, and Paul and Nina burst in just as Ronan shot Chance in the chest. Medics arrived and pronounced Chance dead. Heather and Chloe sobbed while a grief-stricken Nina attacked Ronan for killing his own brother. Meeks and Pomerantz directed the police to arrest Ronan for Chance’s murder. As Chance was being wheeled out, Nina realized that he had been saying goodbye to everyone all that day. Back at the mansion, Nina ran upstairs in tears and Paul was left to break the news to Chance’s father, Phillip; his grandmother, Jill; Kay; and Murphy. Phillip comforted Nina as she realized that Chris must have known that Ronan was her son all along. When a stunned Chris arrived at Nina’s door, Nina slammed the door in her face. Chris tried to justify her actions to Paul, but he rebuffed her as well. Later a uniformed Army officer arrived at the door to help the family make arrangements. He showed Nina his prosthetic leg, and credited Chance with saving his life in Afghanistan.

A wake was held at the Chancellor mansion the night prior to Chance’s military funeral, with his ashes later interred at Arlington National Cemetery. Jill told Nina that Nina was a better mother to Chance than Jill had been to either of her sons, and there was no way that Chance could have been a drug ring leader as the D.A. claimed. Katherine, Jill, and Nina received newlyweds Billy and Victoria, plus Victor and Nikki, Tucker, Jack, and Abby at the Chancellor Estate.

Kevin did his best to get Chloe out of her depression, and he accompanied her to the wake. Nina admitted to Chloe that she was glad that Chloe had allowed Chance to experience love and a relationship as a father figure to her daughter. After Chloe blew up at her mother, Esther, Kevin took her home and attempted to get her to grieve. Everyone told stories about Chance including Nina about how he had always wanted a puppy from Santa, and that once she finally sold a script and they moved to a bigger place, she had gotten him one. After Jill gave a final thank you to the guests and a toast to the wonderful young man Chance was, Kay was overcome and nearly fainted.

Brock returned to Genoa City to officiate at Chance’s funeral and Traci Abbott sent flowers and a note. Chloe made a scene when Heather arrived, but Kay put a stop to it. Chance’s parents, Nina and Phillip followed the flag-draped closed casket carried down the aisle by an honor guard, and were followed by grandmother Jill with Billy and Cane on each arm, then Katherine and Murphy. Phillip gave a very touching eulogy about how even though he had abandoned Chance when he was a baby, Chance forgave him as an adult. Jill said that Chance had gotten the best of all of those who were around him growing up, from Phillip’s warmth and good looks, Nina’s devotion and strength, Brock’s generosity and forthrightness, Katherine’s zest for life, and Esther’s loyalty, to her own determination and stubbornness, creating a whole that was better than the sum of his parts. Katherine said a few words about how Chance had enriched all their lives. The folded flag was presented to Nina while a rifle salute and Taps played. Then all who loved him placed a red rose on the casket.

Suddenly Nina cried out, “How dare you!” as Christine arrived with Ronan. Ronan showed his FBI credentials and arrested Pomerantz, Meeks, and their cohorts, explaining that Chance was the one wearing the wire, and the FBI arrived and took them away. The funeral turned into a screaming match with Nina calling Chris and Ronan disrespectful and tried to send them away.

Meanwhile back at the Chancellor Estate, the stress got to Kay, she fainted, and was taken to the hospital, but after a few tests she was declared okay, and they let her return home. After the Attorney General heard Pomerantz on tape giving Ronan orders to “End this, kill him now,” he began an investigation of cases in which Pomerantz was involved and made Heather Interim District Attorney until the next election. Paul congratulated her, she asked him to be her Investigator, and he accepted. Later Victor Newman found out and offered to bankroll her campaign if she would go after Adam and see that he paid for his crimes.

Christine arranged for Phillip and Nina to be taken by an FBI man to an out of the way location where they met her and Ronan. Then Chance emerged from the shadows, very much alive. Nina and Phillip hugged him while Chris and Chance disclosed that it was all a setup, and that Chance would be going into the witness protection program, very possibly to never be seen or heard of again. But this was the only way to protect him and keep him alive, and Nina and Phillip had to keep the secret, and no one else could ever know the truth. Nina and Ronan exchanged some heartfelt words as he told her that he had found out she was his mother back when the FBI background check disclosed his illegal adoption as a black market baby, and read her book and knew of the ordeal Nina went through ever since. Sadly, Ronan told Nina that he had to leave with Chance and would be going back undercover, and unable to see her, but he did promise to keep in touch by phone. Phillip told Chance he was very proud of his son, and hugged him goodbye. Chance and Nina parted, agreeing to keep in touch the way they had when he was deployed, to look at the moon at 9:00 PM each night, and know that the other was safe and missing them. Ronan and Chance drove away, and Nina, Phillip, and Christine returned to the Chancellor mansion, and did not say a word about what had happened. But later, thinking that Katherine’s health was endangered because of it, Christine told Katherine the truth.

Ronan later returned to Genoa City, assigned to help the police department uncover its corruption. He and Nina visited at the Chancellor estate and started to get to know each other. Nina gave Ronan the copy of her book she had found among Chance’s things which contained notes that showed that Chance had been actively searching for Ronan for a long time. Chloe walked in on their goodbye embrace, refused to forgive Ronan for killing Chance, and was unable to understand how Nina could forgive him either.

Chloe got suspicious when Kevin kept disappearing, so she followed him. Chloe watched Kevin meet a man named Hogan and hand him a Fenmore’s gift bag. The man informed Kevin he was short ten grand from the last drop while putting the squeeze on Kevin’s hand. Kevin said he was just the bagman, but he would let Jeffrey know. After discovering that Gloria had found and spent the money, Jeffrey dipped into his secret bank account and gave Kevin the $10,000 to deliver to Hogan in the usual gift bag. But Kevin and Chloe got stopped by the police on the way, the gift bag overturned, exposing the money and betting slips, and they were arrested and jailed. After Michael convinced Acting D.A. Heather that there was insufficient evidence to make the bookmaking charges stick, and after Kevin refused to acknowledge any association with Hogan, Chloe and Kevin were released.

Chloe and Kevin became the best of friends, but when Kevin wanted more, Chloe shut him down, which sent Kevin to Jana in frustration, and they had sex. But New Year’s Eve 2010 brought Chloe to the realization that she really loved Kevin, so she tracked him down in her robe and bunny slippers in time to kiss under the moonlit sky at midnight. Jana, watching from her car, refused to lose Kevin to Chloe, so she hit herself in the head and claimed that Daisy Carter had stolen her car and fled. Then Jana took advantage of her head injury and faked memory loss of everything that had happened since she had been abducted and imprisoned by Daisy. Jana convinced everyone that her sanity was dependant on Kevin, so her doctor suggested they ease Jana back to the present, and let her go on believing that she and Kevin were still happily married.

Due to Cane's death, her discovery that Chance was not really dead, and the Kevin and Jana situation, Chloe declared she was fed up with men. But Kevin, frustrated that he couldn't be with Chloe, finally told Jana that they were divorced. During the Valentines Day puppy love benefit, Gloria locked Kevin and Chloe in the office where they ended up making up and making love. Jana tried to interrupt, but Kevin sent her away.

Angelo took over for Hogan, and the threats against Jeffrey became more violent. One separated shoulder and one knocked out tooth later, and Jeffrey was in big trouble with the mob. Gloria still seemed oblivious to what was going on, and Angelo began threatening Kevin that Chloe would be hurt next if Jeff didn't pay up. Kevin threatened Angelo telling him that he had sent a letter to his attorney with a copy of the ledger of all bets that were laundered through Gloworm and details of the operation. That, plus Kevin's own reputation for going crazy when things don’t go his way, convinced Angelo to back off threatening Chloe. Shortly afterward, Jeffrey won big in Las Vegas and paid off Angelo.

Chloe and Gloria decided to find out what Jana was up to, and were arrested for breaking and entering Jana's apartment and charged with conspiracy to commit burglary and misdemeanor theft. Billy, as property owner, dropped the charges. It turned out that Jana had discovered that Lucy Abbott was actually the child of Daisy Carter and Daniel Romalotti. Although Daniel wanted Lucy to stay with Billy and Victoria, he and Billy agreed that they needed to stop Jana who was getting too close to discovering the truth. The next morning, Billy and Victoria awoke to discover that Lucy and Delia were missing, and so was Jana. Alerts went out that the children were kidnapped, and all the Newmans, Abbotts, and Chancellors joined the police search and prayed for Jana and the children. Chloe tore into Billy about the many times she had warned him about Jana's instability and danger to their children.

Jana called Kevin to meet her at an abandoned daycare center. When he arrived, Jana handed Lucy to Kevin and informed him that she was his niece. Once Kevin understood that Billy was the person who had bought Daisy's baby, he was relieved that she was in good hands. But delusional Jana told Kevin that Lucy belonged with them, that they could reunite, leave town, and become a family together. Kevin calmly praised Jana for her devotion to him, and told her that he wanted to be with Jana and start their own family, so they needed to return the children. Jana agreed to take the children to St. Mary's church, and Kevin texted Billy with their location. But when Kevin refused to leave the children alone there, Jana realized that Kevin had tricked her and pulled a gun on him. So Kevin left with Jana to keep the children from being harmed. Murphy and Kay were at the church praying for the children's safe return when they heard Lucy's cry. They found the children as police sirens were heard approaching. Chloe, Victoria and Billy arrived with the police and reclaimed their children. Once home and safe, Billy confessed to Victoria that Lucy was bought on the black market, and that Daniel and Daisy were her real parents. Billy had to get Daniel to assure Victoria that Lucy would always be theirs.

While the police pursued Kevin and Jana as fugitives, Chloe was convinced that Kevin was being held hostage by Jana, and Chloe enlisted Katherine's help to search for Kevin with flyers and T-shirts just as he had searched for Katherine when she was missing.

Meanwhile Jana was holding Kevin at gunpoint back at the abandoned daycare center. Kevin pleaded with Jana to turn herself in, but Jana refused, locking him in the closet, convinced that if they lived there together again he would fall back in love with her. When Jana realized that Kevin was playing her, Jana flipped out. Wearing her old goth makeup and hair, she let Kevin out of the closet and reminded him that she was capable of killing him, just as she had killed Carmen Mesta. Jana called Chloe telling her to come there or Jana would kill Kevin. When Chloe arrived, Kevin (who was tied to a chair) kicked the gun out of Jana's hand. Chloe and Jana fought over gun, but Jana suddenly went limp and died. They called 911, the police arrived, and accused them of murder. Kevin was arrested for kidnapping and Chloe was taken in for questioning. The charges against Kevin were dropped after the autopsy revealed that Jana had died of a brain aneurysm. When Kevin tried to claim Jana's body for a memorial service, he was told that a relative in England had had body shipped there.

Chloe and Billy's testimony about Billy's bad habits and run-ins with the law left Billy without a prayer of keeping joint custody of Delia. Then Victoria testified on Billy's behalf about what a devoted father he was. Billy went to thank her afterward, but she let him know that nothing had changed between them. Later Billy was finishing a drink at Jimmy's Bar, and was propositioned by a hooker. Billy turned her down, she begged for a ride home, so he gave her a hundred dollar bill to take a cab. But outside Jimmy's, as the hooker joined him in the street, Billy was arrested for solicitation. Chloe was awarded sole custody of Delia, and Billy was given only limited supervised visitation. Victor was later seen paying off the hooker for a job well done. Late that night Billy showed up at the Chancellor estate to see Delia, but Chloe refused and sent him away. Weeks later, Chloe received a Jade bracelet for Delia from Billy who had run away to Hong Kong again.

Kevin, tired of the drama of Chloe's obsessing over Billy and the recently returned Ronan, plus all the other men in her life who had let her down; broke up with Chloe. Later Chloe managed to entice Ronan into bed, but he would only admit that his disappearance after his liver transplant had something to do with the FBI. Meanwhile, Delia was rushed to the hospital, and was diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia, and needed a bone marrow transplant to recover. Everyone in Genoa City was tested with no matches, and Victoria and Jack were intent on finding Billy to help, hoping that he could save her life. Chloe wouldn’t leave Delia's side, and Esther tried to take care of Chloe with the help of Ronan. Meanwhile, Victor had found Billy in a jail cell in Myanmar, a country in Southeast Asia, and offered Billy a deal to negotiate his freedom if Billy promised to never see Victoria again. Billy told Victor to go to hell. Victor got Billy to agree by telling him about Delia's condition, and that Billy might save his daughter's life if he were a match. Victor returned Billy home to his trailer and coerced Kevin to agree to pose as the donor of Billy's blood sample. Billy snuck into the hospital unrecognized, wearing a hooded sweatshirt, to see Delia. Delia told Chloe that her daddy had been there, but everyone assumed it was a dream. The blood sample proved to be a match for Delia, so Victor arranged, with Michael's help, for a doctor to harvest the bone marrow from Billy and lead everyone to believe it came from Kevin. Billy poured out the booze that Victor brought to him, and told Victor that Delia needed him, so he wanted to keep himself the best that he could be to save her life. The transplant was successful, Delia was expected to make a full recovery, and Victor arranged for Billy to be gone from their lives in a few days.

Chloe continually reminded Kevin how grateful she was to him for saving her daughter's life, making Kevin feel guilty for being part of the deception. Feeling that they had become a family during the crisis, Chloe asked Kevin to marry him, and he accepted. Not long afterward, Chloe was elated to receive the news from Delia's doctor that Delia was in remission and could go home. Unable to handle the guilt and lying to Chloe, Kevin finally admitted to her that Billy had donated the bone marrow that had saved Delia's life; and told her about the deal that he and Billy had made with the devil - Victor. Chloe, after spending the night being furious with Kevin, spoke to Katherine who reminded her that Kevin had made a lot of stupid choices in his life, but always with the best intentions. So Chloe found Kevin at Gloworm, plucked him out of the clutches of Angelina, (whom she called "Octopus Girl"), and forgave him.

Kevin and Chloe decided to buy a house rather than live so near to either of their families, and Chloe asked Victoria to be her matron of honor. Meanwhile Angelo persuaded Kevin to keep Angelina away from her ex-boyfriend, Carmine, in exchange for the deed to their dream house. Kevin persuaded Angelo to agree to let them go on their honeymoon without Angelina, but Angelo insisted that Angelina would sing at their wedding in return. As Kevin, Chloe, Daniel, and Devon watched Angelina rehearse, all were amazed when her voice turned from bad to beautiful only when she was looking at Kevin. Afterward, Angelina was seen by viewers making a phone call to Carmine, telling him that she needed his help.

Everyone was waiting at the church for the groom at the Christmas Eve wedding of Kevin and Chloe. Meanwhile, Kevin and Angelina were being shot at in the parking garage leaving Devon's studio. Angelina told Kevin that it was her ex-boyfriend, Carmine, that she was pregnant by him, and how Carmine was insanely jealous of Kevin, whom he suspected was the real father. Angelina convinced Kevin that they had to stay away from the wedding or his family would be in danger from Carmine, and that calling the police or letting her father handle it was not an option. Kevin phoned Chloe and called off the wedding, telling her he needed time to think, with veiled references to keeping her from getting hurt. Rather than waste everything, (with Chloe's permission) Victoria and Billy decided to get married again instead, with Chloe as maid of honor. Chloe gave them her honeymoon too, which was coincidentally in Jamaica, where Victoria and Billy had been married the first time.

Daniel began taking care of Chloe after Kevin left her at the altar and disappeared. After discovering that Kevin may have run off with Angelina, Chloe got drunk, and Eden caught Chloe and Daniel kissing out behind Jimmy's bar. Daniel and Chloe later told Eden that they were drunk and got carried away, and were just friends. But Eden had already emailed a photo of them to Kevin.

Weeks later, Daniel discovered that Angelina tweeted that she and Kevin had been married. Angelina's father Angelo and Kevin's family saw it too, so they were at Gloworm waiting for them with a reception upon their return. Chloe and Daniel arrived. Chloe waltzed up to Kevin, slapped him hard across the face, then she and Daniel left without a word. Kevin went to Chloe the next day to explain everything. But Angelo called during their conversation, threatening to kill Kevin if he didn’t stay married to Angelina, so Kevin left while Chloe was out of the room. Chloe began using Daniel trying to make Kevin jealous, pretending that she was happy and in love.

On Valentine's Day, Katherine threw a birthday party for Delia. Billy, Victoria and Nikki attended, Nikki bringing an expensive hand-tooled pink saddle for Pinkerton Pony from Victor.

Angelina eventually realized how miserable Kevin was without Chloe and finally told Angelo the truth of how she had tricked Kevin into marrying her, how he had gone along with it, and that they were getting a quickie divorce. Meanwhile Kevin told Michael the same, so Michael tracked down the justice of the peace who married them, and convinced her to sign annulment papers.

Angelina plotted with Daniel to get Chloe and Kevin alone together so that Kevin could tell her the truth about his abandoning Chloe at the altar and marrying Angelina to protect her, and for Chloe to admit that she still loved Kevin. Kevin ended up asking Chloe to marry him and she said yes. An impromptu wedding was held at Gloworm with Katherine Chancellor officiating, and a teary-eyed Angelina looking on. Michael was Kevin's best man, and Victoria Chloe's matron of honor. Angelina finally realized the power she had over her daddy Angelo, kept him reigned in, and serenaded the wedding party with her newest single, "Good Goodbye," with lyrics written by her about her feelings for Kevin. Afterward Angelina announced that she was moving to Los Angeles to launch her singing career with Angelo as her manager. Everyone hugged Angelina, wished her well, and forgave her, including Chloe, who admitted there was a time when she would have done the same. Angelo and Angelina left town.

Later, Angelina's handsome ex-boyfriend, Carmine, showed up at Gloworm looking for her and threatened Kevin and Chloe. Gloria and Jeffrey, Kevin and Chloe, ended up going to Reno for their honeymoons. Meanwhile, after Eden explained what had happened between Angelina and Kevin, Carmine stayed in Genoa City rather than follow Angelina to Los Angeles. After Chloe and Kevin returned from their honeymoon, Kevin convinced Carmine that his marriage to Angelina had not been his fault, and Carmine agreed to leave town. Afterward Chloe got in Carmine's face and made him so mad that he decided to stay just because Chloe wanted him gone.

Kevin convinced Chloe to check out the house he owned and briefly shared with Angelina, and she and Delia fell in love with it, so they decided that after some serious renovation, to move out of the Chancellor estate and live there.

Katherine decided to step down and turn the chairmanship of the 2012 Arts Council gala over to Chloe and Abby. They both accepted, but clashed immediately.

Kevin and Chloe began working together to create a public bulletin board website. Katherine, Abby, and Gloria agreed to invest. Concerned that her Swiss bank account was being drained, Genevieve promised Kevin a lot of money to hack in and discover where it was going. He confided in Chloe, and Chloe told Cane who confronted Genevieve about getting Kevin in trouble. They later approached Adam about investing, and they accepted after Adam bowled them over with his offer.

By the date of the gala Angelina had backed out of her appearance. Kay called Danny, but he was busy touring Europe. Tucker and Harmony put their heads together and were able to book the band 'The Wanted'. But just before the gala was to begin, Tucker informed Chloe and Abby that the band had been grounded in Las Vegas by a windstorm. And as they anxiously awaited tables, chairs and decorations to arrive, Carmine was sabotaging the gala by delaying the truck as revenge for losing Angelina. Attendees began receiving text messages that the gala had been postponed. Abby was mortified over what it would do to her image.

After taking Chloe to the alley on the pretence that he had heard the truck, Carmine locked Chloe in the trunk of his car. While he went back inside for his forgotten cell phone, Abby let Chloe out. And while Chloe went to call the police, Abby took her place in the trunk. Abby began to tweet her fans that she had been kidnapped and to call the police, hoping to take the spotlight off the failed gala. Carmine heard the news broadcast that he was suspected of kidnapping Abby. He stopped and let her out of the trunk, and offered to take her home. Abby flirted with Carmine and got him all flustered. Abby took over, threw their cell phones away so they could not be tracked, and made him check into a motel under an assumed name. They were arrested when they finally arrived home, Abby for misuse of emergency services since she had gotten her fans to call 911, and Carmine for the attempted abduction of Chloe. Chloe, Kevin, Ashley and Victor were glad to hear that Abby had been arrested and refused to help her this time. Abby got Rafe to be her lawyer, and Rafe, D.A. Michael, and Ronan agreed that Abby would pay a $100,000 fine. But Carmine and his public defender got no deal. Abby then hired Rafe to represent Carmine, who was released on bail.

Kevin and Chloe began working together to create a public bulletin board website. Katherine, Abby and Gloria agreed to invest. Concerned that her Swiss bank account was being drained, Genevieve promised Kevin a lot of money to hack in and discover where it was going. He confided in Chloe, and Chloe told Cane who confronted Genevieve about getting Kevin in trouble. They later approached Adam about investing, and they accepted after Adam bowled them over with his offer.

A competing website announced its debut the next day, so rather than wait for the web designer to finish, Kevin threw it together to beat the competition, and both sites premiered on the same day. TagNGrab was free, the other site charged a fee, but both sites began immediate retooling. Chloe got her celebrity contacts to endorse and use TagNGrab, and they asked Phyllis to use the site so fans can see what she was wearing and buying, then buy it themselves, and it would improve her reputation. When Kevin stopped by to talk to Phyllis, she enlisted his help in returning the dead body of Tim Reid to Tim's apartment. When Tim's neighbor/girlfriend Beth Hortense heard noises in the hall, Kevin told her he was an encyclopedia salesman, and she left. Tim was later discovered dead by detective Ronan Malloy. Kevin finally admitted helping Phyllis after Beth identified him, and Chloe was livid. They made up, and Chloe bought home a strange-looking puppy they named Bobby.

TagNGrab continued to be successful, but Kevin and Adam disagreed over each deal with an advertiser, until they finally decided that Adam would handle the business end and Kevin the website. Chelsea and Chloe came up with the idea of Chelsea working at TagNGrab instead of Adam, which made Adam mad that he was not consulted. Then after Adam went to work for Jack as CFO of Newman, he decided it was time to get out of TagNGrab, and sold his share of TagNGrab to Tucker McCall who bought out Kevin and Chloe for a less than they had invested. Chelsea and Chloe became close, and they came up with the idea of Chelsea working at TagNGrab instead of Adam. Chloe bounced back with a great idea for Chelsea to become a designer and start a company together. But Kevin was crushed.

Because Kevin had borrowed against his house to finance TagNGrab, he was forced to go to Michael for a $10,000 loan or the bank would foreclose. Michael reluctantly gave Kevin the money for Chloe and Delia's sake, warning him that he was headed down a path where he would probably lose them all. Kevin paid the bank, but was warned that another large balloon payment was due in a month. Desperate for cash, Kevin hacked into TagNGrab's bank account and transferred money into his own. Tucker told Chloe about the illegal transfer from his account, she accused Kevin, so Kevin transferred it back, deciding he'd rather lose his house than Chloe.

Chloe hit up Gloria to invest in their business, but Jeffrey convinced Gloria to invest in a race horse instead. So Chloe went to Adam and convinced him to invest as a silent partner, reminding him that he owed Chelsea. But later after another row with Adam, Chelsea told Chloe that she was accepting Adam's divorce settlement so they didn't need any investors.

Kevin and Chloe received a larger than expected settlement check from Tucker, but they still needed money desperately. After Kevin told her that he had verified that the NYPD detective Chavez who was investigating Noah was looking for half a million dollars, and the reward was enough to bail them out, they began plotting how to find it. Kevin confided in Daniel, and Daniel disapproved, reminding him of the last time they tried to recover some dirty money, and that he could be risking Noah's life. After Kevin backed out, Chloe took the money hidden at Noah's. When Chavez questioned Kevin and Chloe again, Chloe acted very suspicious. Later after making love on a floor covered in money, Chloe decided they could not turn the money in or come under suspicion, so they had to keep it. Chloe and Chelsea came up with a plan to launder the money by using the coffee house as collateral to pay off their house, then paying off the coffee house loan with the stolen money. But after they paid off the house, the stolen money was again stolen from them by Adriana.

When Adam told Chelsea they would have to put off leaving town, she threw a fit accusing him of putting Newman before her, told him they were through, and demanded a divorce. Intent on taking Adam for all she could, Chelsea let Chloe know that she was ready to start their business, and they purchased the Restless Style building from Billy with Chelsea's half million dollar settlement. When Billy saw their designs, he promised to put in a word with Jack about them becoming a local collaborator for the new Jabot fashion division. Chelsea, Chloe and Gloria made a presentation to Jabot and they were hired as a team. The campaign was later very successful, and Chelsea and Chloe's designs became a big hit.

Still unable to pay their bills, Kevin and Chloe stole box of expensive donations that Katherine was giving to charity and fenced them. Jill accused Adriana of stealing them, she quit, and left town. Alex questioned Kevin about the theft after it was discovered that pieces had been fenced. Kevin admitted to Chloe that he had stolen a bracelet from someone's house which had been left open while they walked their dog. Chloe told Kevin he had gone too far, and they fought, kicking Kevin out of her bed after he called their marriage "not that much". He apologized, but Chloe said she was disenchanted with their marriage, telling Kevin they had to find another way to spice up their love life besides the thrill of stealing.

Six burglaries occurred in the next two weeks, all with the same M.O. stealing cash, jewelry, and small electronics. After Kevin began commenting on the overindulgence of the rich people in Ridgecliff estates, and he began spending money she knew they did not have on lobster and champagne, Chloe got suspicious. She found jewelry in a lockbox at Crimson Lights, and after detective Alex saw it, he arrested Chloe for possession of stolen property. At the police station, Chloe begged Kevin to tell the police where the jewelry came from, but Kevin just stood there having flashbacks to his time of terror in jail. Chloe was released on bail the next morning. Seeing Kevin, she called him a coward, telling him to grow up and face his fears. Kevin confessed and was made to give back what he had stolen and make restitution by doing computer work for the GCPD. Kevin began working with Alex resentfully using his computer hacking skills to help solve cases. Chloe, fed up, got an appraisal on Crimson Lights. When Delia stole doll from her friend Brianna, Chloe became even more concerned. Dylan McAvoy bought Crimson Lights, and Kevin agreed to stay on to show him the ropes.

Another burglary occurred in the Heights, so Detective Chavez accused Kevin, and searched Crimson Lights and their house but found nothing. Kevin admitted to Chloe that he had done it, and Chloe blew up at him. Though he promised it would never happen again, Chloe left him and moved back into the Chancellor Estate. Kevin begged Chloe to forgive him, but instead she make him give back what he had stolen and work at the homeless shelter so he would see that others are worse off yet don't feel the need to steal.

Delia suddenly had a very high fever, and Chloe took her to the hospital. She called Delia's father, Billy. After Kevin found out, he arrived to find Billy and Chloe comforting each other awaiting test results hoping the Delia had not had a relapse of her leukemia. Kevin left, upset that no one had cared to call him. Later Delia's fever dropped and she was declared to be fine.

After the death of Katherine Chancellor, Kevin and Chloe were invited at her request to a celebration of her life. Days later when Katherine's will was read, Chloe was bequeathed Katherine's couturier gowns and $500,000 for Delia's education.

Seven-year-old Delia was cast as the wicked witch of the west in the school play of The Wizard of Oz. Billy and Chloe enjoyed helping Delia rehearse her lines, and she was a natural little 'ham'. Billy even surprised them both with a dog in the likeness of "Toto" to enhance her part. Due to its love to escape, the dog was named Dash, and went home to live with Billy and Victoria. The night of the play came, and Delia was a hit, getting a standing ovation from the crowd. Afterward, Chloe and Kevin began their reconciliation by catching a late movie of their favorite "Pretty In Pink", and Victoria waited at home with a party for the arrival of Billy, Delia, and Dash. Billy stopped to pick up ice cream, leaving Delia and Dash in the car. But when Delia let Dash out of the car to relieve himself, he ran across the road. Delia ran after him, and was stuck by a car. The driver, who was Adam Newman, had seen the dog and swerved, then stopped; but relieved to see the dog was fine, he drove on. Billy found the car door open and discovered Delia beside the road. During the five minute wait for the ambulance, Billy visualized the welcome home party that was supposed to be, being the protective father before Delia's first date as a prankster teenager, her college graduation party after getting her business degree with honors, Delia's choosing to work with Billy at his renamed club "Dad and Delia", Delia announcing her engagement and looking forward to a family life like Billy had, walking her down the aisle at her wedding, dancing at the reception, Delia's first baby, a son she named William, then their painful parting as she and her family were moving to California. Although she had not spoken or moved, Delia was still alive when ambulance arrived, but she died from massive injuries later at the hospital.

Billy blamed himself for leaving Delia alone in the car, as did Chloe who was inconsolable, refusing to leave the trauma room where Delia had died. Kevin was very supportive and mourned Delia as well. Chloe lashed out when approached about organ donation, then finally was allowed to see her daughter's body. Once Chloe found out that Chelsea's baby, Conner, needed a cornea transplant, she agreed to donate Delia's. The transplant was successful and Conner was able to see thanks to Delia.

The day of the funeral, Chloe and Billy united to honor their daughter, while Adam stood outside the chapel door, guilt-ridden. The Abbott, Newman, Chancellor, and Winters families attended. Chloe read the poem that Delia had written for Katherine's funeral "Being Free", and she placed Pinkerton Pony with Delia so that he could watch over her as she slept. Delia was eulogized as a "beautiful bubble of giggles and joy." Afterward Jill and Esther held a tea party at the Chancellor estate in Delia's honor where the guests all wore red boas and fancy hats, and a cup of tea was placed for Delia as well.

Kevin was there for Chloe, and they began spending nights back at their place so he could comfort her. Both were frustrated that the police had not found the hit and run driver, and Kevin was working overtime trying to help. Chloe found solace in visiting Chelsea and Conner, believing that he would be seeing life through Delia's eyes, and she went back to work, trying to keep busy, and thinking about something else. One day Chloe agreed to stay with Conner while Chelsea made a quick trip to the office to get something they needed to work on. Chloe looked into Conner's eyes and remarked how it was looking into Delia's. When Chelsea returned, both Chloe and Conner were missing. Chelsea panicked and called Kevin. They were discussing what to do when Chloe and Conner returned from a drive innocently taken because Conner had been fussy. Chloe was horrified when she realized that they thought she would steal Conner to replace Delia, but she realized that she should have at least left a note. Adam was upset with Chelsea when he found out, but later he and Chelsea made love, much to Chloe's disgust. But after seeing how happy Chelsea was with Adam, Chloe approved. Chloe was further elated when Chelsea asked her to be Conner's godmother.

Kevin discovered the Chloe had added pages for Conner to the back of Delia's baby book including a birth announcement, hair from his first haircut, etc. Chloe walked in as he confided in Esther his concern for Chloe. Kevin accused Chloe of being obsessed with Conner, warning her that she was only going to get hurt. Chloe claimed that Conner eased her pain. Chloe declared their relationship over, saying she did not want to be dependant on him, and needed to stand on own. Later at Conner's Christening, when Chloe heard that Jack had been made Conner's legal guardian should anything happen to Adam, Chloe exclaimed, "No, he's supposed to be mine!" And when Adam talked Chelsea into moving to Paris, Chloe reacted negatively to Conner being taken away from her, and made plans to move there too.

Adam and Chelsea were married by a judge and were leaving for Paris that night. Chloe went to Kevin to try to get him to stop them. But Kevin had to tell her that they had just gotten the evidence that proved that Adam was the hit and run driver who killed Delia. Chloe went crazy over the news. She went to see Chelsea who was stunned after returning home to a note from Adam saying just, "I love you, I always will", with a video of his confession. Chloe accused Chelsea of knowing all along. But after viewing the video, Chloe realized that she did not, and they vowed to remain friends and take care of Conner together. The next day when Chloe heard that Billy had survived, but Adam was assumed dead in an exploding car crash, Chloe decided it was better than a trial, and hoped that Adam had suffered. Chloe refused to allow the Delia Project or the benefit to go on financed by Adam's "blood money". But Devon offered to replace the backing, double it in fact, and Chloe conceded that Delia would want it to continue.

At the Delia Project Valentine's Day benefit, Lauren asked Chloe how Chelsea was doing, and she snapped back, "Fine because her sick bastard of a husband killed my child, that's how!" Chelsea and Jack walked in together and overheard. Chloe went off on Chelsea, then apologized, and left. Chloe then went to Chelsea's and told Anita she was to relieve her babysitting Conner. After Anita left, Chloe packed up Conner's things, stole Chelsea and Conner's passports, and assuming Chelsea's identity, flew to Paris. Victor, Chelsea and Kevin took Victor's jet, and found them both at the apartment where Chelsea and Adam were going to live. Kevin talked Chloe into giving up Conner and returning with them to Genoa City where she was arrested for kidnapping. Michael helped her cut a deal for outpatient treatment and living under a relative's legal responsibility, instead of jail. Not wanting to live with her only relative, Esther, Chloe turned it down. But Kevin lovingly proposed that they remarry, and they did with Michael and Lauren as witnesses. But Chloe disappointed Kevin by showing no interest in him, and began sleeping in the guest room.

Chloe was resentful that Chelsea had gotten a restraining order to keep her away from Conner. Chloe returned to work and was welcomed by Lauren and Lily. But Chloe was upset to learn that Chelsea was designing on her own without her. When Chloe heard that Adam's body had been found two miles away in the river, she spat at Chelsea that she was glad Adam had died alone and suffering like Delia.

The Chelsea by Jabot fashion show was held using real women of Genoa City as models, Lily, Hilary, and Abby alongside Esmerelda the featured model for the line. When Chelsea arrived, she and Chloe ended up in a cat fight, pushing and shoving each other, and were caught by Rick and Caroline Forrester. When the Forresters got her alone, they offered Chelsea a design job under a separate label. Chloe heard her accept, saying that it would be no problem cutting out her current partner. To get back at Chelsea, Chloe cut up the showstopper finale dress. Chelsea somehow salvaged it and got it to work, and the fashion show was a hit. Kevin told Chloe that he was sorry that he married her, that he had hoped he could fix her, just as marrying her had fixed him. After the show Chloe tried to apologize to Chelsea, saying that she wished she could still be herself, that all she had left was rage, and she needed her best friend to forgive her and give her another chance. Chelsea agreed and they hugged.

Chloe propositioned Billy to make another child together. Billy told her that she was crazy, they could not replace Delia by having another baby together. Chloe said that she could not go on without a baby. Chloe later told Chelsea she was going to have a baby with a donor whose description sounded suspiciously like Billy. Chloe got Billy drunk, trying to get pregnant, but he passed out. Later, Chloe took a bottle of essential oils from Gloria's purse, which Gloria had bragged as a sex enhancer for Jeffrey, and used it on Billy. But when she got amorous with him, Billy sent her away. Chloe then stole Billy's sperm sample from the hospital lab.

Chloe was summoned to Chelsea's penthouse expecting to be allowed to see Connor again. Standing outside the door, she overheard her family planning an intervention and regretting that she needed to be sent to Fairview Sanitarium. Chloe disappeared. Kevin tracked her to their favorite movie theater, they had a heart to heart about their relationship and her problems, and Chloe agreed to being admitted to Fairview. But Chloe decided that she needed to get away from all the reminders of Delia, so was admitted to a facility in California. She asked Kevin to make love to her the night before, and said goodbye to everyone. As she was leaving, Chelsea told Chloe they would always be best friends, and let her hold Conner. Chloe left for California with Billy's sperm canister in her purse. Sadly, a week later, Kevin received a text from Chloe telling him to move on with his life, and that she would not be returning. She later followed up with divorce papers for Kevin to sign; he did, and they were divorced.

Chloe secretly returned to Genoa City on a twenty-four hour pass for the first anniversary of Delia's death. After the service which was held by school children, Kevin discovered Chloe at the memorial by the roadside where Delia had died. Chloe apologized to Kevin, saying that Delia would not have been proud of her the way she had treated Kevin, and that she loved him, but not the way he wanted. When she was well, she would start over, but not in Genoa City or with Kevin, because she had nothing left to give him. Viewers later saw that Chloe had been hiding a pregnancy, a child that could be Kevin's or Billy's.

Chloe showed up for the memorial of the second anniversary of Delia's death, following Adam's exposure as still alive and after plastic surgery, posing as Gabriel Bingham. The family had planted a gingko tree in Chancellor Park in Delia's honor. Adam had crashed the ceremony trying to apologize and explain, and with everyone yelling at him to leave, Chloe approached. Chloe spat, "You may have a different face, but you are still the same insincere bastard you have always been." Chloe pulled a gun on him. Billy and Esther begged Chloe not to shoot, but Adam asked her to please do it, admitting that it was exactly what he deserved. But Chelsea got between them, reminding her best friend that Delia had been forgiving and compassionate and would want Adam to live. Kevin was able to take the gun from Chloe to turn in to the police, and they left together.

Adam was tried and found guilty, despite an impassioned plea for leniency from Billy, and was sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary. But as Adam was being escorted from the jail he was intentionally struck by a white sedan. Suffering with internal injuries, Adam was taken into surgery and recovered. Chloe went to the underground looking for Kevin. Mariah called Kevin, but Chloe knocked her out from behind with a bottle over the head, and fled. Chloe went to Esther asking for money and a car, admitting that she had been the hit and driver who tried to kill Adam, but Esther refused. Chloe accused Esther of never loving her, shipping her off to boarding school, and never missing her. Chloe asked, if it had been her who was killed, would Esther forgive Adam? When Esther faltered, Chloe told her to go to hell. Chelsea confronted Chloe that they were best friends even though she had stolen her son, and now she had tried to kill her husband. Chloe asked Chelsea how she could forgive Adam, who had only gotten ten years, while Chloe had gotten a lifetime of pain. Chelsea reminded her that killing Adam wouldn't bring Delia back. Chelsea wouldn't let Chloe leave, although she protested that she needed to go, to be with her daughter. Kevin walked in, and Chloe faked that she thought Delia was still alive. The police arrived and took Chloe away.

Nearly a year later, Chloe turned up in Genoa City acting as Victor's minion, helping him without being seen, to plant and alter evidence against his family to get back at them for putting him in prison. She hired forger Frank Ellis to alter Sage's journal and made sure Constance's exhumed body appeared to be poisoned to frame Adam for the murder of Constance Bingham. Adam agreed to Victor's demands and the real journal pages were supposed to be discovered to exonerate him, but Chloe kept them instead. Victor reminded Chloe that he had made sure that her daughter Bella had been taken care of while she was in the sanitarium, and that Bella was still unknown to anyone in Genoa City. Chloe told Victor that she had burned the missing pages, so Adam was finally going to get his punishment. But the pages had been hidden behind Victor's office portrait all along. Victor planted them in Bethany's motel room behind a switch plate for Dylan to find, after paying off Bethany to leave town.

Chloe surprised Esther by introducing her to her granddaughter, Bella. Later Chloe ran into a surprised Kevin and his girlfriend Natalie. They talked, but Chloe left abruptly. Kevin got her hotel info from Esther, went there and met Bella, who Chloe claimed was not his. Kevin insisted on a DNA test. Chloe took Bella to meet Chelsea, and Bella and Connor played together while the old friends caught up, with Chloe trying to convince her that she no longer held a grudge toward Adam.

Chelsea talked Chloe into bringing Bella to live with her and Connor, and to work at Chelsea 2.0. Chloe went to see Adam claiming she had forgiven him, and that she had learned that the pain of her loss wouldn't go away, no matter what happens to Adam. Viewers saw the look on Chloe's face and knew she was lying. Adam escaped from jail with Victor's help and ended up killed in an explosion in the house where he was hiding out.

Chloe began reuniting with Kevin, the only person who ever understood her. Kevin finally convinced Chloe to go on a date, and they ended up in bed afterward. Kevin was always there for Chloe, understanding her quirkiness and often with Bella. After Chloe and Chelsea had a disagreement, Chloe suggested Kevin ask her to move in with him again, and she accepted. Chloe became distraught when she walked in on Kevin packing up her things, and rescued a box still in the closet which she didn't want him to find, but she did move in. They became their old playful, teasing, and loving selves. And Kevin was great with Bella. Kevin asked Chloe to marry him again, and she agreed.

A year after Adam's death, viewers saw Chloe remembering how she had helped Victor to frame Adam, sending him to jail. And that she had shot Adam with a dart gun and blown up the cabin after his escape, killing him. Unknown to Chloe, Nick was putting it all together, and was convinced that Chloe had killed Adam. But Chelsea refused to believe that her best friend could kill her husband. Chelsea whipped up the perfect gown, and a quick wedding commenced with Michael as best man, and Chelsea stood up for her best friend Chloe, with Bella tossing rose petals down the aisle. But when rings were about to be exchanged, Chloe suddenly ran from the room, and Chelsea followed. A while later, Father Todd announced that the wedding was off. Chelsea confronted Chloe and she admitted that she had killed Adam, and justice had been served for Delia's death. Kevin and Father Todd found Chelsea unconscious on the floor and Chloe missing. When Chelsea came to, she told them that she had found Adam's ring in Chloe's dresser drawer and had substituted if for the one Chloe intended to give Kevin, proving Nick's theory that Chloe had murdered Adam. She said that Chloe had admitted it, then knocked Chelsea out and fled. Kevin was devastated and in disbelief. Chloe left a note for Kevin saying she was in trouble and had to leave, that Kevin always brought out the best in her, but she was not good enough for him.

Meanwhile Chloe met Victor at his private airstrip, threatening to tell everyone that she had helped him frame Adam, that he had sent him to jail, and ultimately to his death. Victor put her on his jet, and apparently gave her a lot of money. It was only afterward that Victor was told by Nick that Chloe had murdered Adam.

Victor tracked down Chloe. Chloe begged for her life, but Victor assured her he was not going to kill her. Chloe asked only that the father of Bella be determined so he could raise her. Victor had Chloe write letters to both Billy and Kevin, and he arranged for them to be mailed from different countries. A few days later, both Kevin and Billy received word from Chloe telling each that they may be Bella's father. A DNA test confirmed that Kevin was and Bella went to live with him. Victor took Chloe to live with her former psychiatrist Dr. Harris outside New Orleans, paying him well enough to retire, and to keep her drugged. Chelsea and Nick were tracking Chloe down, and found her. So with Victor's help, Harris staged her suicide, using drugs to make her appear dead. Chelsea discovered Chloe unconscious, Harris pronounced her dead, and both Chelsea and later Kevin were devastated. A private funeral was held with Father Todd officiating. Chelsea was not invited, and when she and Nick showed up, Kevin went off on them, accusing them of causing her death, and turned them away. Kevin stayed afterward to say goodbye, the coffin opened and Chloe sat up alive. Kevin passed out. Chloe briefly explained and passed him a note with an address to meet her. Harris managed to get Chloe back to his home in Marshall, Louisiana. Meanwhile Kevin made plans to rescue her from Harris including packing a gun, telling everyone he was going to get away to Tahiti, and leaving Bella behind with Esther.

Kevin arrived at Harris' who was upset that Chloe had told anyone she was still alive. Chloe and Kevin were determined to be together, so Harris agreed to let them stay there with him, locking them in when he would leave. Kevin realized he needed to return to Genoa City before they started to search for him. He plotted with Chloe to pick up Bella, and return and get her, telling Harris they were all going to stay with him. Harris refused to let Kevin take his phone which was locked in the safe. After Kevin was gone, Harris told Chloe about his daughter Maggie who had been killed with her mother by a drunk driver, just as Maggie was about to graduate from medical school. A photo of Maggie showed a remarkable resemblance to Chloe. Harris shocked Chloe by telling her that Kevin would not be returning, and scared her further when he began calling her Maggie. She decided to play along, hoping it would help her to somehow escape. Chloe managed to club Harris over the head with a champagne bottle, but he caught her as she was escaping out the door, and knocked her out with an injection. Kevin, looking like the walking dead, walked in the door, struggled with Harris, and Harris' gun went off. Kevin tied up Harris and leaving the gun behind, stole his car and left with Chloe.

Kevin returned home, telling everyone that he and Bella were moving to Oregon to get a new start away from the haunting memories of Chloe. Back at their motel, Chloe confessed that Victor had been behind it all, and her fear that he would find them. Kevin made Chloe her fake ID and birth certificate, and she chose the very common name of Helen Jones. Meanwhile Harris escaped his bonds and called Victor. Victor tracked them down, but admitted to them he had as much to lose if Chloe were found, and let them leave. Kevin proposed on bended knee to "Helen Jones", knowing they couldn't make it official but promising to always take care of her and Bella.

In 2019 Adam Newman was found in Las Vegas working as a professional gambler, going by the name “Spider”. Kevin heard about it and moved Chloe and Bella to another city. But after returning to Genoa City, Adam opened the door to leave and was shot in the gut by Chloe. When Adam recovered, he had Chloe kidnapped. Kevin came looking for her, and had to make a deal with Adam to help him get custody of his son Christian to get Chloe freed. Adam let Chloe know that her trying to kill him had to end. One of them would end up dead, and either way, Bella is the one who would suffer. Chloe would lose Bella just like Delia. They called a truce. Before Chloe returned to Portland, she broke it to her mother, Esther, that she was still alive. Esther agreed to keep her secret, but returned with her to Portland. Chloe also let Billy know she was alive, meeting him at Delia’s grave.

Adam coerced Kevin into continuing to do illegal work for him, or he would expose Chloe. But once Michael discovered what was going on, he took Kevin’s place as Adam’s minion and sent Kevin back to Portland to be with his family. As part of his plan, Michael was elected DA, and he had Chloe arrested for arson of the cabin she blew up. Chloe pled temporary insanity due to the death of her daughter. Adam could claim Chloe shot him but no one would believe him because he ID'd the guy who confessed. Chloe and Kevin thanked Michael, who enjoyed the satisfaction of putting one over on Adam. Chloe decided she could not put their future on the line over trying to get even with Adam. She had to think about Bella, Kevin, and Esther, and this would be her last chance. So they promised to stay out of trouble and she, Kevin, and Bella moved into the Chancellor estate with Esther.

Chelsea was shocked to run into Kevin and Chloe casually hanging out at Crimson Lights. She realized that Chloe had obviously faked her death, and lit into her for doing that to her best friend. Chloe apologized, saying it was the only way to avoid prison for the murder of Adam. That she was not in her right mind with grief over Delia, and she knew now that she was not going to let Adam ruin her life again by attempting to hurt him. Chelsea later decided to forgive Chloe and be friends again. Chelsea gave Chloe a marketing position at The Grand Phoenix Hotel.

Chloe figured out that Billy was going to lure Adam to the site of Delia’s death and kill him by running Adam down with a stolen car. Chloe stepped between the speeding car and Adam, pushing Adam out of the way. Adam took off, not knowing who had helped him or tried to kill him. Chloe and Kevin hid Billy out at the Chancellor boat house where Chloe splinted Billy’s ankle. When Billy came to, Kevin gave him an injection that knocked him out again. When Chloe explained to Billy why they were hiding him out, he did not remember attempting to murder Adam at all. Chloe convinced Kevin to let her try to convince Billy to get some help for his obsession. They sent a text to the Abbotts from Billy’s phone telling them not to worry about him, that he had gone back to rehab. Chloe brought Victoria to Billy and explained all. It turned out that Billy was experiencing a dissociative fugue, becoming another person to do things he knew were wrong. Victoria saw Billy become that other person, a gum-chewing thug, but through her love, helped him fight off his demons. Billy and Victoria left together, and Billy began seeing a therapist who further helped him get rid of his alter-ego.

Kevin and Chloe arranged a 2019 holiday get-together to announce that they were pregnant. Young Bella popped in and spoiled their news. Esther already knew and was elated. Lauren and Michael were thrilled for them. Later an ultra-sound revealed the baby was a boy. Kevin admitted to Chloe that he was concerned about passing on the legacy of Terrible Tom to a boy child of his. Chloe assured him that he was a wonderful father to Bella, as he had been to Delia, and would be to their baby boy.

Chloe was not happy for Chelsea who had reunited with Adam. She reminded Chelsea that Adam was a sociopath, and they don’t change. Chelsea maintained that they were cheated out of a life together, but now were getting that chance. Phyllis blackmailed Chelsea into letting her buy Chelsea’s 25% of the Grand Phoenix Hotel, so Chloe quit her job there. Chelsea decided to start her own clothing line again, avoiding using her name this time. Chloe suggested the name Bella Milconno. She later asked Chloe to join her as they had made such a great team in the past. Chloe promised to accept her decision to accept Adam’s marriage proposal, and Chelsea forgave Chloe for letting her believe she was dead.

Everyone gathered at the Chancellor estate for a big baby shower. The night of a big storm, Chloe went into labor too early, but it turned out to be Braxton Hicks. Chloe was put on bedrest, with Kevin and Esther waiting on her hand and foot. Esther went crazy buying stuff for the baby. Chloe was hugely pregnant when she finally delivered their baby boy on October 5th, 2020. Kevin chose the name Miles Mitchell after a neighbor who rescued him as a child from Terrible Tom many times. They found a house and moved out of the Chancellor estate. Abby and Chance had gotten married and moved in, plus later Mariah and Tessa, Gloria showed up in town again and moved into the estate too. They were relieved to be living on their own, but Gloria moved with them too.

Chelsea found herself stuck in the elevator. She climbed on the railing in an attempt to get out through the ceiling hatch but fell. After passing out again, Chelsea was diagnosed with a small cerebral aneurism which ruptured causing a stroke with paralysis and inability to speak for months. Chloe would visit her at the penthouse, but Chelsea never moved in her wheelchair, and could not even speak. Meanwhile Chelsea was screaming inside her head, trying to get through to Chloe how convinced she was that Adam and Sharon were carrying on while she was incapacitated. Viewers saw Chelsea begin to move her fingers/hands/and eventually stand when no one was around to see. Finally, Chelsea spoke to Chloe when she was there. Chloe was incredulous, but happy for her. Chloe had seen the photo that had gone viral of Adam and Sharon sharing a kiss, so she believed her suspicion. Chelsea continued to let everyone think she was incapacitated, but had a plan to get back at Adam which she refused to share it with Chloe.

Sharon’s police detective husband Rey started getting sick and nearly died. It was discovered that he was slowly being poisoned, and Adam became the prime suspect. Once Adam had been arrested Chelsea began showing rapid improvement and was back to normal. Rey questioned her, and she did her best to throw suspicion on Adam. It eventually came out that Chelsea had somehow secured the poison and had gotten Chloe to put it in Rey’s toiletries. Chloe somehow had no idea what she had done, admitted it to Kevin. But although Rey was suspicious of Chloe, it never came out that she had been an accomplice to attempted murder.

Chelsea was found innocent by reason of insanity and did some time in a mental institution where she finally came to realize that the affair between Adam and Sharon had only been in her mind. Chelsea was released on a convalescent leave to take care of her mother Anita who had broken a hip. Rey was appointed her security detail to drive Chelsea to Minneapolis where Anita was living. When Chelsea returned to Genoa City, she joined Chloe heading up the fashion line which was now a part of Newman Media which was headed by Adam and Victor. Sally Spectra had joined Chloe as a designer as well. She and Adam had had a brief relationship which he called off when she became an employee, but Sally kept trying to get back together.

Victoria offered to buy Newman Media back from Victor, and he accepted it, insisting that Adam stay on as CEO. So Adam ended up working for his sister Victoria. Victoria decided she didn't want the fashion division, so Chelsea, Chloe and Sally were without jobs. After Chelsea and Chloe moved forward to start their own company once again, Sally was cut loose. Adam stepped in and hired her as COO of Newman Media. Chloe and Chelsea pitched a deal with Fenmore's to sell their new line which they named Bella Milconno after all their kids. Lauren signed them on.

Chloe and Chelsea began arguing a lot, Chloe pointing out that Chelsea was designing, but no one was creating the clothing, which caused Chelsea to feel she was being micromanaged. Then Summer and Kyle, with the consent of Lauren, asked Chelsea to design for Marchetti in addition to Fenmore. Chloe rained on Chelsea’s parade by telling her she would never be able to do both. After thinking it over, Chelsea admitted to Chloe that she was feeling overwhelmed, asked to discontinue their partnership, and forgive her. Chloe agreed it was better to lose a business partner than a best friend and agreed to disband. Chelsea said she also intended to turn down the Marchetti deal. Chloe became seriously interested in accepting an offer to work for Sally at Newman Media.

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